
Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox, Opera - all the major browsers are enforcing more and more strict security policy to protect the internet users. Since January 2017, Google Chrome is flagging 'Not secure' the websites that has a password or credit card input field but don't have HTTPS. From October 2017, Google Chrome started to display 'Not secure' text on all HTTP page that accepts any user inputs. Since July 2018, Google Chrome flags all the websites as 'Not secure' that don't have SSL certificate installed, even if that doesn't accept user input. Starting from October 2018 Google Chrome will flag the 'Not secure' text in red when a user starts typing in an input field.

Firefox displays lock icon with red strike-through on login form that depends on the non-https protocol. Firefox shows this warning message if a user clicks on the login form: "This connection is not secure. Logins entered here could be compromised."

However, purchasing an SSL certificate may cost an user more or less $47 per certificate per year, which is a massive burden for small businesses and personal bloggers especially who has multiple websites.

On the other hand, most of the available Let's Encrypt clients developed for developers. Those clients need programming experience to install and configure the client.

Anindya Sundar Mandal, the lead developer of FreeSSL.tech, realized the necessity of a Let's Encrypt client/app which is friendly even for less tech-savvy users.

cPanel has a solution 'AutoSSL'. But all cPanel users don't have 'AutoSSL.' Availability of 'AutoSSL' depends on the web hosting provider's business policy. WHM has an option to enable or disable 'AutoSSL' for a specific user or package.

So, there was no 3rd party Let's Encrypt client for cPanel to do complete automation (including SSL certificate installation) in a shared hosting environment, where the user doesn't have root access.

That's why we have developed the 'FreeSSL.tech Auto' app and this in-browser client which you may use in shared hosting cPanel. 'FreeSSL.tech Auto' does complete automation, including SSL certificate installation. 'FreeSSL.tech Auto' needs the SSL installation feature enabled in the cPanel. Otherwise, it still issues/renews free SSL certificate by an automated process and send the user automated email with necessary information; but doesn't install the SSL certificate. You need to manually install the SSL certificate with the help of your hosting provider. The automatic email informs the user about the location of the SSL certificate, private key, and CA bundle; which is above the publicly accessible directory (public_html). The user needs to copy the text from the email and send to the web hosting provider with the SSL installation request.