This App vs our WordPress Plugin 'Auto-Install Free SSL'

This App Auto-Install Free SSL
(Pro WordPress Plugin)
CSR Generation Manual Automatic
Domain Verification Manual Automatic
SSL Installation Manual Automatic
Cron Job Automatic
SSL Renewal Manual Automatic
Time Required 20+ Min (per 60 days) 1 Min
SSL Expiration Chance High No
Works on all websites in same cPanel
Video Click here
Free $26.99/year
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Generate Free SSL Certificate - Step 1 of 3

Get Wildcard SSL for FREE!!

Let's Encrypt ACME V2

Step 1

(In the future, if you'd like to log in, you can click here to reset your password)
(Click here to generate CSR) Terms of Service and Privacy Policy
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How to generate CSR?

If your web hosting control panel has an option to generate CSR, we highly recommend using that tool.

Otherwise, please click here and generate your CSR in seconds. All you need to do is type your domain names (separated by the comma, for multiple domains) in that page. Then in seconds, we'll generate your private key and CSR; and you'll get two buttons to

1. Download the private key and

2. Copy the CSR

Paste the CSR in the form of this page. Isn't that very simple? Cheers!

The private key and CSR are generated using Webcrypto API in your browser. The private key doesn't transmit over the internet, and our server never sees it.

As an added security, you may disconnect the internet connection during CSR generation. You may also download the app from GitHub and run locally using a browser.